Using A Treadmill For Fat Loss

Everyone is familiar with aerobic exercise for fat loss and I don't want to start out too much about that except that most of people get it wrong. Way wrong. When you are doing a low intensity workout you are indeed using fat for energy as a greater degree than glucose. This shows that you are burning more fat when you do low intensity exercise right? right. The problem is that if you are only working out for an hour, thirty minutes or something similar, who cares what you use energy for that time, wouldn't it be way cooler to be able to use fat for energy 24/7?

When you are doing the lowest intensity workout there is you are using a large portion of your consumed energy from fat. That means when you are sleeping, you use mostly fat for energy - your intenstines use the glucose in your liver, but your muscle use fat and your brain can even start using ketones if you are prone to this. When you do the highest intensity training that there is your body is using glucose. A lot of it. When you run out of glucose your body will start to use lactic acid to form glucose, and that is where most of us get exhausted. The champion athletes can work out with lactic acid since their bodies are used to using it, but for a normal sunday trainer it is going to be too hard. Especially on your mind, and that is why people don't do it - it simply demands too much.

When you use all your glucose and a huge amount of oxygen during a high intensity workout, your body is forced to use fat for the rest of the day when you are doing your lower intensity workouts. Also it has been shown that HIIT makes the liver produce more enzymes that are required in fat oxidization. So if you want to lose fat, try to replace those two hour walks on your treadmill, with ten to fifteen minutes of maximum effort. Fat loss is guaranteed.

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