How To Accelerate Fat Burn Easily!

Once you have got the basics under control (the diet for fat burn and the workouts) and you want to accelerate fat burn to the next level it is time to start worrying about the detail. I will explain a few rules in nutrient timing and name some supplements that can be effectively used to speed up fat burn. Most of the fatloss supplements advertised are not worth the money and the results are over-exaggerated. Some basic diet supplements - you should look for cheap diet pills -  a good diet and a well designed training program are all you need to get the body you want and burn fat like never before.

As I wrote in posts before - growth hormone mobilises fat (burn fat) to raise blood glucose when low. Naturally growth hormone is realeased during long-wave sleep in the first few hours after you go to bed at night. So you burn fat at night! If blood glucose is high, growth hormone release is inhibited almost completely. That results in zero fat burn at night. So basically this means that you shouldn't eat for about an hour before you go to sleep, and even then eat only slowly digestible protein like milk casein or non-fat cheese to maximise the GH production and fat burn.

Eating a lot of green vegetables with meals helps you to fill up faster (eat less) and slow down the absorption, which will also slow down blood glucose rise and help fat burn. This will create a lower insulin release and a more even blood glucose so more of the energy is used by your muscle and less is stored as fat. Green vegetables also challenge the gastric system because they are rich in fiber and have a very low energy-to-volume-ratio, so it takes your body more energy to absorb the energy from the food which make green vegetables fat burning foods. Celery, broccoli and cucumbers are very good choices to bulk up your vegetable intake and boost fat burn and accelerate weight loss.

Caffeine has been used for to speed up metabolism for ages.It also has the ability to temporarily enhance insulin sensitivity (although high doses cause insulin resistance!). What this means is it lowers blood glucose and forces your body to break down fat storages to raise blood glucose back to normal levels. Simplified: It burns fat to give you energy!

Ephedrine is also a popular fat burn supplement although it has been shown to have none or very little effect on enhancing fat burn and boosting resting metabolism even though it is an adrenergic agonist like caffein. Most effects of ephedrine are via appetite suppression. You will eat less, hence lose more fat. Notice: Ephedrine is illegal in most countries so you might consider to buy phentermine online

Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) - especially Leucine - are being used by bodybuilders while dieting and traying to burn fat. Leucine has been shown to enhance fat burn and enhance muscle metabolism. It also provides an anabolic spike when combined with a normal protein meal and helps maintain or even get some more muscle while burning fat. BCAA are used for energy by the muscle when under stress so they prevent muscle protein breakdown. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. Even while resting.

Green tea is one of the few supplements which have been shown to have notable effect boosting fat burn but there are also many other uses of green tea. The working ingreadient is epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG. It is an exellent burn fat pill. If you are deciding to supplement, look for a product which is high in EGCG to get good fat burn effects. EGCG has a thermogenic effect: It increases your bodys heat production and resting metabolism rate. So you will burn fat even while doing nothing. Green tea has been shown to have synergic effects when combined with caffeine. So using Green tea and caffeine will boost your metabolism and fat burn much higher than using either one alone. A good stack would be to use 100-200mg caffeine and 700-1400mg EGCG taken three times per day. In the morning, at noon and mid-afternoon. Don't take it after 6.00pm, you migh experience trouble sleeping.

You can also try out some anti aging vitamins and minerals to your benefit. Zinc has been shown to have possible testosterone boosting effects, which will boost your metabolism directly and by increasing muscle mass in the long run and enhance fat burn. Also if in deficency magnesium can have similar effects. EFAs like omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity and have positive effects on lipolysis. There is also a new way for controlling your appetite. These Natural appetite suppressants that can help you control your appetite and lose weight and fat that way.

Using some - or even all - of these tips you can notably boost your fat burning speed to accelerate your results!

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